Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I spent the majority of the day studying for my biology exam tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it. I keep reading the note cards and I don't really comprehend anything but photosynthesis, reproduction, and some aspects of mitosis. I know mitosis has to do with chromosomes creating daughter cells in the ovaries and gonads. I still don't fully comprehend cellular respiration. Enough of this Biology crap.

Excerpt from I Like You:

Shop Talk

* Don't buy fish on Sunday.

* If you do not work 9 to 5, go shopping 9 to 5. The Same
applies to laundry, be considerate.

* When ordering in a deli, announce loudly how many items
you'll be ordering so customers behind you know what to expect
and won't be irritated. The same applies to chocolate shops.

* Government checks are issued on the 1st and the 15th,
which means crowds of families on these dates. Keep that
in mind.

* Don't shop from someone else's food cart.

* Notice in local health food stores how unhealthy the
people tend to look.

* And notice in heliolithic stores that when you throw out
"thanks" they hear that and respond sincerely, so if you say
"thank you," mean it.

* Cashiers will notice patterns like ice cream at midnight three
days in a row. The same true for liquor. Rotate your stores.

* If you genuinely see something you can compliment your
cashier on, do it. It'll make their day. Conversely, if you
want to destroy their day, ask to see the manager.

* Remember, grocery store butchers always tuck the fat.

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